Wednesday, April 21, 2010

People that pick

They say the older we get the wiser we become, but I don't think that is true for ALL people. The older I get the more I realize how very different we all are. I have had many friends in my lifetime and I've learn a lot of lessons from those friendships. One thing I've discovered over the years is the type of people that I don't want to be surrounded by. Now i'm not sure if it might be my personality that brings out the worst in these people. But I do know when to call a loss a loss. There is not enough time in life to spend pondering mistreatment, or to tolerate abuse. I've never really thought of myself as a people pleaser, but i will definitely say I am a tension diffuser. This might be why i tolerate people I shouldn't. For some reason I keep befriending women that want or need to pick on me. The kind of friend that is always pointing out your faults, and won't hesitate to try and belittle you any chance they get. I'm tired of these women, they find some sort of pleasure in raining on my parade. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that i'm the worlds greatest friend or anything. I just realize now that a friend should be someone to lift you up not drag you down. Someone to bring a smile to your face. Someone to not envy, but admire. I can't shake the thought that I somehow provoke this. My hubby says it's because i'm comfortable in my own skin. I'm happy with who I am and what I've got, and that makes insecure people want to take me down a notch. But i don't understand that sort of mentality. It seems so childish to want someone else to fail so you can have a better outlook on life. I think I have great life and I love the friends I have chosen to keep company with. They make me want to be a better person, and I enjoy all their success as if it where my own. I find in this day and age of social networking and textholics, that it leaves something to be desired. I hate how it feels like true emotion is fleeting. It's hard to read a thought when your not really looking at a face. Texts can so easily be misread or over analyzed, leaving to much room for words unsaid. I have a had a few friendships end via social networking sites and it has permanently left a stain on my poor Pc. I like to think that if i feel strongly enough to sit down and write out my thoughts to a person should i not also have the same courage to pick up a phone or look them in the eye. Passive aggressive behavior is too easily achieved behind a computer screen. If I've learned anything from all this it would be; Say what you mean, don't type it, and be who you are, don't fake it, and most importantly choose your friends wisely, they can make all the difference. Alright thats it today.Peace please in all aspects of your life. ~Lisa


Kate said...

Hi Lisa! You probably don't remember me. Deane and I went to high school together and we met at Hollywood video years ago. Gotta LOVE facebook! I am so glad that you have a blog and even happier reading this last post. I feel the same way! I just opened up an Indie Craft store on Bainbridge right across from the book store. Come in and say hi sometime!

L Nien said...

Hi Katie I do remember! Deane reminded me :) I'll come check out your store next time i'm out on the island, it sounds fun. Thanks for checking out the blog too. Take care ~Lisa

vicki said...

i totally understand lisa what you mean about people. i recently had the misfortune to expect someone i thought was a friend listen to what was stressing me and instead it became all about her and to the point of rudeness in hger suggesting i go on the show horders as i have alot of yarn and material so therefor i am a slob that was her attitude and it just ticked me off something bad we no longer are friends with a friend like that you had you sure do NOT need that crap purge her/him out of your life big hugs