Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oh Poppy

Oh pretty pink poppy
 why must you stay
  But only one day?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tiny fencers

I recently put my hummingbird feeders out early this year, and much to my surprise we live right smack in the middle of hummingbird central. They fly in and out of the yard with such speed and grace. It's like watching some sort of acrobatic show every day. It's not just one type of hummingbird either, there is like 5 different colored ones out there. My personal favorite is the red head with the copper body. It's the smallest and Ive yet to get a picture of it. They have begun showing up in such numbers that they are getting territorial. I will be watching one drinking calmly and then the next thing you know, there is another bird flying so fast it looks like a dart, and then they tumble off into the sky. The winner returns only to be challenged again within minutes. So my back yard has turned into a tiny fencing tournament. and the winner gets all the nectar. I couldn't be happier. They are amazing little birds. Here is one of our frequent flyers. Happy spring!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

People that pick

They say the older we get the wiser we become, but I don't think that is true for ALL people. The older I get the more I realize how very different we all are. I have had many friends in my lifetime and I've learn a lot of lessons from those friendships. One thing I've discovered over the years is the type of people that I don't want to be surrounded by. Now i'm not sure if it might be my personality that brings out the worst in these people. But I do know when to call a loss a loss. There is not enough time in life to spend pondering mistreatment, or to tolerate abuse. I've never really thought of myself as a people pleaser, but i will definitely say I am a tension diffuser. This might be why i tolerate people I shouldn't. For some reason I keep befriending women that want or need to pick on me. The kind of friend that is always pointing out your faults, and won't hesitate to try and belittle you any chance they get. I'm tired of these women, they find some sort of pleasure in raining on my parade. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that i'm the worlds greatest friend or anything. I just realize now that a friend should be someone to lift you up not drag you down. Someone to bring a smile to your face. Someone to not envy, but admire. I can't shake the thought that I somehow provoke this. My hubby says it's because i'm comfortable in my own skin. I'm happy with who I am and what I've got, and that makes insecure people want to take me down a notch. But i don't understand that sort of mentality. It seems so childish to want someone else to fail so you can have a better outlook on life. I think I have great life and I love the friends I have chosen to keep company with. They make me want to be a better person, and I enjoy all their success as if it where my own. I find in this day and age of social networking and textholics, that it leaves something to be desired. I hate how it feels like true emotion is fleeting. It's hard to read a thought when your not really looking at a face. Texts can so easily be misread or over analyzed, leaving to much room for words unsaid. I have a had a few friendships end via social networking sites and it has permanently left a stain on my poor Pc. I like to think that if i feel strongly enough to sit down and write out my thoughts to a person should i not also have the same courage to pick up a phone or look them in the eye. Passive aggressive behavior is too easily achieved behind a computer screen. If I've learned anything from all this it would be; Say what you mean, don't type it, and be who you are, don't fake it, and most importantly choose your friends wisely, they can make all the difference. Alright thats it today.Peace please in all aspects of your life. ~Lisa

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hidden gems.... right under my nose!

My itunes is not opening today. I'm sure I just need to reboot or something, but i'm not that patient right now. So I decide to visit my lastfm recommended radio, and I just have to say that it has stolen my heart. So far I have liked-loved every song it has perfectly chosen for me. Its pretty exciting for me to hunt down new music, It's the only hunting take part in. I usually try to take recommendations from friends and it has left me with some true delights and gives me a broad range in music taste. I like to think I can find most everyone a gem in my collection that will someday join theirs. I love when people do that for me. So back to this mind reading little radio thing, did I mention I love it! So far it has played me these recommendations, that I'm now recommending to you.

Blind Pilot- things i cannot recall

Horse feathers - honest doubters

Someone still loves you Boris yeltson - Gwyneth

Fruit bats - slipping through the sensors

Miniature tigers - dino damage

Erin mccarley - lovesick mistake

The Helio sequence - back to this

Matt pond PA - summer is coming

Joshua James - Fm radio

Brandi Carlile - turpentine

Jaymay - Autumn fallen

Carter Burwell - Moose lake

Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros- desert song

I hope you find something you might like. I'm going to explore my new favorite friend a little more. Happy listening ♥