Saturday, December 20, 2008

Warm hearts & Cold noses

I just poked my head out our back door and much to my surprise there is almost a foot of snow. Now I have lived in Washington almost my whole life and have never seen this much snow, at home anyway. Its amazing and so beautiful. I just love it. The dog has no idea what to do with herself. She runs outside and screeches to a halt as she hits the chill in the air. Does a high step and heads right back for the door. The boys on the other hand don't mind the cold one bit, when it first started snowing my youngest ran out on the deck in his boxers yelling in excitement "ITS SNOWING". It makes me remember how happy i was to see snow at that age. Living here has given us a great appreciation for little things like snow, or summer days that reach over 100 degrees, both rarely happen. So we are thoroughly enjoying our snowy holiday break. Granted it's a little scary to drive anywhere. But they say it's healthy to speed up your heart rate every now and then right? So along with the sheer beauty of it all, I'm finding myself having so much fun. We have been sledding, and crashing, and laughing loudly with great friends. Taking heart racing shopping trips just to get out into the bustle of winter. I was worried this winter was going to be a rough one. Due to the economy, lack of family, and just saying bye to the sun is enough to bring me to tears. But not this winter, it's not so bad. This winter is special somehow. I think I'm keeping warm because my heart is so full of love. Great new friendships and long talks with family, are keeping my spirits high and my hopes big. I just keep thinking "this is a good day in the adventure that is mine" Wishing all of you out there a happy healthy holiday. I hope your winter adventures bring you a warm heart. The snow will melt but the memory's are forever. Jeez I'm a port wine cheese ball tonight :) Love love Lisa

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Calm after the storm

I like to think of my moods in seasons. Warm soft smiles in the sunshine of spring. Simmering sighs in the heat of the summer. Chills of laughter in the beauty of fall. Cold wet shivers in the frost of winter. I feed off the sun most of the year. Now that it's cold i find myself looking for inspiration in other means. Family is a big one right now. We just had a bustling thanksgiving, full of laughter, food, and hugs from long lost relatives. It was a joyous holiday, one to remember. But now that the food has been eaten and goodbyes have been said. I find myself feeling lost again. You know the phrase the calm before the storm? Well I'm stuck in the calm after the storm. It's quiet now, too quiet. I use to think all I ever wanted was to escape the dramas of family life, but now i find myself bored and lonely without it. I miss the sounds, the smells, and the warmth of people who love me around me. The feel of togetherness you get on the holidays. I want it all the time. Christmas couldn't come soon enough. I am full of spirit this year. I'm so thankful for my sweet family whether it be my friends or my love or even my neighbors. You are part of my spirit. You are inspiration to me. Love love!