Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Half empty

Dirt. I feel like it. Soft, gritty, and constantly breaking down. Looking out my window this morning i get an over whelming feeling of blankness. Rain soaked ground, leaves decomposing, and a greyness where there once was blue. This is the season i dread. Fall turning to winter. The slow death of the sun, and my landscape. I can't help it, watching all those things I took photos of for months upon months up and die. It can make even the most upbeat person gloomy. It's also the time of year i break out my lil gnome hat and hibernate. I put off normalcy's like shopping and errands and i sit somewhat contently in my cozy home with my sleeping dog. Spending my days gazing out the windows sighing at the gloom. So this year I'm trying to devote more time to being creative. I can paint a sun! Yet I find myself veering more towards a darker inspiration. Crows. Noisy, dirty, scavengers. Yet when you look real close they are a beautiful bird. Imagine never having seen a crow. We have healthy ones in my yard. Big glossy black birds with personality's yelling at each other from tree to tree. I don't know, maybe it's just me, I like them.
In other bird news I will continue my hunt for the perfect bird necklace whether it be a sparrow or a crow I remain undecided. I hope the sun comes out today, I need sunlight to wash the gloom from my face. :( this sad face just doesn't do it justice.