Saturday, March 16, 2013

A year in a summary

   Hey here I am, a year or so later. It's the tail end of winter again and that seems to be when I blog the most. It's hard to sum up an entire year in one post so I'll just break it down in bullets, I love bullets.
  • Kids are good. Big and thriving. The eldest is a skateboard nut just like his dad. He is teetering on the verge of manhood and is learning the fine art of avoiding his annoying parents. The youngest is a sports guy and artist, kinda like me. He Is very close to becoming a teen, yet still hugs me all the time and isn't afraid to cry still. I'm treasuring these little things for i know I they are fleeting.
  • The Job. I got one this year. Well a different one than our family business. It was for a fishing rod manufacturing company wrapping fishing rods at home. When I started this job I imagined it being a relaxing, slow paced, easy job. Training was great. Having craft experience helped a lot. I flew through it and found myself working at home after 2 weeks. That's when trouble started. I began to get lonely and bored. 10 hour days in a room alone was taking it's toll. It was not slow paced. They wanted me to do more, faster, and more after that. There was so much pressure and no time for life anymore. So I went back to work with the hub. (The hub will desperately miss the employee discount)
  • Changes. My best friend moved to eastern washington. She lives in a quaint little mountain town now and has began a new adventure. Her moving was really rough at first. I missed her terribly and wallowed a bit in my own self pity. I'm okay now, we talk all the time and will see each other soon. Things didn't change as much as I had feared. :)
 So all an all it's been an eventful year. We have our health, our home, and our happiness. I'm back to working out, blogging, and other adventures in becoming a better person. Cheers ♥