Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth day

Today is earth day, and i am troubled by the lack of celebration. I woke up this morning not even realizing that today is earth day. I think this is a problem. This should be a much bigger deal. How many planets do you call home? Just the one? Thats what i thought. So why is it that we celebrate all other holidays with such spender. Are we really that selfish that we forget what is right under our feet, that earth you walk on everyday, the planet you take for granted. I have spent most of my life pondering religion, contemplating the balance of tradition and modern day life. I have come to the conclusion that today should be the biggest of holidays. Bigger than Christmas, bigger than 4th of july. Where is my earth day parade? Why is the anticipation of this holiday not blared across airwaves? This is something real, something you can reach right out and touch. We are given so much from the earth without even thinking about it. We snatch what we want like a child with greedy hands. I will not be that child. I am a loving daughter to my mother earth and i am changing my traditions right now! I have always recycled but i need much more than this. Next year on this day it will be celebrated. I will throw a party and bake a cake and invite my loved ones to celebrate this earth with me. There will be laughter and food and then we will take a walk and maybe even pick up garbage around our neighborhoods. Creating my own traditions that might actually make a difference. Hopefully I can open my children's eyes just a little wider to the world that surrounds them. Our planet deserves this. Lets deserve her back. Do something great today, even if it just means recycling. Even the smallest good is still good. Take care of yourself and take care of our mother. She has giving us life and is still giving. Lets give back. Please?


Shannon said...

aww...this was a good reminder for me! earth day seemed to pass me by until class tonight when i glanced in my planner and saw that it was today!
i love our mama earth :)
currently noticing that when she rains, she POURS!