Thursday, April 10, 2008

The mom sweep

Sweeping: sweep·ing

1. Having wide-ranging influence or effect: sweeping changes.
2. Moving in or as if in a wide curve: a sweeping gesture; a sweeping glance.
3. Indiscriminate; wholesale: sweeping generalizations.
4. Overwhelming; complete: a sweeping victory.
1. The action of one that sweeps.
2. sweepings Things swept up; refuse.

This is the correct definition of the word sweeping. Its good, I like it. My definition is a tad bit different, yet wonderfully the same. I am a mother of two children, boys to be specific. I am also a partner to a wonderful man. A tree man to be more specific. So things happen to get messy, dirty, or even destroyed on more than one occasion. My job details as a stay at home mom include alot of day to day activity's but none of which i do so often. I mom sweep. Let me explain to you what a mom sweep is. I normally begin at one end of the house. I scope the floor, and I am sure if you clean at all this is something that just comes natural. All the little things left behind from a run by playing or a toss of something that just missed your brother. Things scattered about carelessly just waiting to drive themselves into the heel of your foot. No one ever left it there, the tiny yellow Lego embedded in my foot just grew like a little Lego mushroom right out of the CARPET!! This is why i sweep, for my own safety. I make my way through every room just picking things up. I have to, if i didn't the floor would disappear, more things would just grow, larger things like star wars ships, and piles of markers with papers all over. Socks are a biggie, all three boys are guilty of this one. I have found them in plants, on top of curtains, in the recycling, tucked in cushions even zipped inside throw pillows. This I have heard is a man trait, my mother claims my brothers did this as well. It boggles me. I will never fully understand these boys, no matter how long i stare, and wonder why they do the things they do. I am a clean person, I can't help it. My mother is clean and her mother was clean. I appreciate a cleanly safe environment ( to sound a little less neurotic). So going on my tenth year of motherhood. Yes i said tenth :D... I think i have mastered the art of the mom sweep. It is a peculiar thing to be a solitary female in a home full of men. One might feel out numbered from time to time. No not me, not right now. I feel empowered. I am the sweeper.


Shannon said...

socks zipped inside pillows?? that is so bizarre...and funny, too. all this time i thought the dryer was eating socks but it's been pillow cases!

and as a mom of two beautiful boys, you do have incredible and sweeping influence and you can see it in the boys, in their laughter and their smiles.