Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cold coma

To breathe. It is an amazing thing isnt it? So refreshing and easy, not really something you think about. more like something you just do right? wrong.
This past week was pretty much a blur. I remember thursday when i started feeling a we bit sniffly, but as for the weekend, what weekend?
I've always considered myself a healthy person, ok maybe not super healthy per say, but I'm conscious of my health. We try to eat organic and avoid red meats and pork. The kids take vitamins and a fruit or veggie must be consumed at every meal. We have made it pretty routine and its something i am proud of. I would love to see my boys grow into healthy men without ever having to deal with weight issues or health problems. Having being raised in a hamburger and kool aid generation we now know error of our parents ways.
We live in a pretty small town. There is one grade school and both of my boys go there. The school is amazing, full of culture and life, we just love it. The teachers are great and we just love the principal. But in my little town are a lot of parents that don't put the time into their kids the way they deserve. Kids that get sent to school sick, kids with low immunity's, that no matter how healthy you are, contagious is contagious. So occasionally we get sick. The boys (being 3 times as healthy as i am) will bring home a cough or maybe a little runny nose. Sometimes its the mother of all head colds that knocks you off your feet. That is what i received last Thursday. Have you ever had a cold so bad you actually lost time. A week of my life has disappeared, and i'm glad i don't remember it. It was one of those colds that your day consists of one thing, waiting to go back to sleep. Waking up just to pass back out. Feeling so awful you start to realize why people back in the day use to die from illnesses like these. Along with the head cold i got to experience a blocked tear duct as well. If you have never had one these I'll explain. Think of your tear duct as a valve, if something gets stuck in the valve it will stay open. Open to release tears constantly. You have no idea how terrible it was to cry out of only one eye for 4 whole days. Now it looks like i got punched in the eye. I'm not usually one of those people to talk about my ailments, but this was not your average sick. It was a coma, can't function,world standing still, moms out of commission, sick. A sickness worth blogging about. Its been a week since this arrived and I'm just starting to taste again. I'm hoping this is worst i'll see this year. It feels good to breathe again. Just one of those things, don't know what you got till its gone.

P.s. Eat your fruits and veggies!